Creating Spaces for Mental and Physical Health in Schools and Communities. In honor of our son, Mateen Lomax.
Illumateen Unity is a public charity, 501(3c) tax-exempt organization.
We work with therapists, educators, and school counselors to create wellness classes, and wellness rooms to enhance the well-being of students in their schools.
We felt if our son would have had these tools while in school his chances of surviving his mental health issues would have been much greater.
“We talk about pandemics a lot--THIS is a pandemic that is afflicting our society in alarming numbers. I am trying, in my own small way, to help. The more people who join me, the better. Thank you to everyone who donated!”
— Adena Campbell - School Teacher- Nebo School District
Make a donation.
The majority of the success of this foundation is based upon the generosity of people like you! (Did I just give you a PBS commercial?) Not only can you donate tax-deductible resources, you can also donate your time. We are always looking for impact-makers that want to create positive changes in the community in which they live. The money you donate goes directly to supplies and training. We are passionate about cutting out the red tape that makes it difficult for resources to find the people who need them. Please donate what you can.
Feel free to contact us with any questions. We are always looking for people to volunteer and help the cause, so if interested, please reach out.
(801) 616-1853